Stranger Things season 1 Download

Stranger Things season 1 Download

Stranger Things season 1 Download

Stranger Things season 1 Download

If You Want to Stranger Things season 1 Download Now, in case you don’t know, Stranger Things is a new series on Netflix. It takes place in Hawkins of this year. Just watch it. And the performances are amazing. Stranger Things season 1 Download  Just watch it. If you haven’t yet, watch it. Now, You’re like, “Yup, yup.” They’re not exaggerating. This show is freaking amazing. Stranger Things season 1 Download 

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Stranger Things season 1 Download

Stranger Things season 1 Download

Where can I watch Season 1 of stranger things?
For me, the movie it reminded me of the most is E.T. and E.T. is one of my favorite movies ever and so it was so much fun to see them pay homage to the film. For example, Stranger Things season 1 Download  Eleven watching the TV when Mike and everyone are out of the house and discovering what’s going on and then, of course, the bikes, the riding of the bikes, the ending of E.T. I just, I’ll admit, I just tear up every time I see it. It just gets me every time so just seeing them, the friends on their bikes with Eleven, I guess she’s not in the front ’cause she’s bigger thanE.T. was in the movie, but she’s sitting in the back.

Is Stranger things available for download?
It’s kind of like, ugh, I just wanna hug Stranger Things. If I could, I would hug it. But fundamentally, the reason why we really love it is ’cause they actually crafted a good story. Every single episode for me was amazing from beginning to end. I never thought, “Oh, this episode wasn’t that great.” No, it just all fits really well together. Also to me the fact that it was only eight episodes really helped them focus and deliver the best episode that they could every single time which I think is great. And I wanna share some of my favorite moments. The first one I guess it’s not technically a moment.

Is Stranger Things 1 scary?
it’s just the fact that Will has some really good friends. Can we just acknowledge that his friends are badass? Everyone should have friends like that who just will try to find you no matter what and they battle a demon really or some supernatural creature. They’re like, “Screw it, he’s our friend. “We’re gonna do whatever it takes.” I’m like, “I love you guys.” Can we all have friends like this? Stranger Things season 1 Download  It’s amazing. Of course, Eleven is just adorable and amazing, and I particularly love the way they introduced her in the diner. The Christmas lights, so brilliant.

Can a 14-year-old watch Stranger things?
I think it also gave the show something visually interesting to look at for us ’cause you also get to design this house with all these Christmas lights, but we as the audience we were like, “Oh no, it totally makes sense “because he can communicate that way,” but also makes it look really pretty ’cause you have all these different colors in the house. I think if you add another layer to it, for characters who have any interaction with Joyce, it makes her look just crazy enough. We know she’s not crazy, but she seems just irrational enough that it’s like, “She’s probably crazy.” And then you see the lights and you’re like, “Yeah, she’s definitely crazy.” But we’re like, “No.”

Does stranger things say the F word?
 I wanna have Christmas lights around my house now just in case. Steve who started out such a douche but then became one of the best characters when he goes to Jonathan’s house to apologize or to make up for what he did and then he finds Nancy and Jonathan in the middle of what looks like some crazy stuff like what is going on? What are you guys doing? But I just love that when he sees a Demogorgon, at first he runs away but then he just takes a moment he’s like, “All right, all right. “There’s a crazy demon-looking thing, “that’s cool, that’s cool. “I’m gonna go back and help you guys.” And you have to respect him for this and I think that’s the point where you start liking him a little more.

What age rating is stranger things season 1?
You already started liking him when he stood up to his friends, but this seals the deal where you’re like, “All right, all right, you’re cool.” And then of course we get Eleven actually killing the Demogorgon and I kept thinking, “Don’t you do this to me Stranger Things. “Don’t you kill her? “Don’t you kill, damn it.” Although technically we didn’t see her body, she just disappeared so I don’t think she’s really dead and I definitely think she’s coming back for season two. Stranger Things season 1 Download Come on, she’s the best character.

How many episodes are there in Stranger Things Season 1?
They can’t kill her off so yeah, she’s somewhere and maybe season two will be all about trying to find her and get her back. Finally, I also really loved the way they tied up most of the storylines but left the door a little bit open when they’re like, “Hey, Will’s back, or is he?” Threw up a slug. 

Stranger Things season 1 Download

Stranger Things season 1 Download

Is Stranger things season 1 and 2 connected?
You thought he was out. Will is back, but you don’t really know what’s going on with him which I’m like, “Hmm, well played StrangerThings, well played.
Stranger Things season 1 Download” So those were my favorite moments. I wanna also talk about the performances because they were all pretty fantastic. I particularly love the fact that pretty much all of the cast except for Winona Ryder and DavidHarbour are newcomers or at least I didn’t know any of them which I think is brilliant. I love it when it’s afresh cast, fresh faces. It’s not like, “Oh look, Ben Affleck in another movie “trying to find his son.”

How long is stranger things season 1?

 I actually love Ben Affleck. I don’t know why I said Ben Affleck, but when you know an actor and when you’ve seen them in a lot of things, I think sometimes it feels different than watching actors that you’ve never seen before because I feel a part of you still thinks, “Oh, it’s this actor playing this part.” Whereas if you don’t know them then it’s easier to really be immersed in the show. Of course, I love watching shows and movies where I know some of the actors, but I also enjoy sometimes watching shows and movies where I don’t know anyone and I think, in this case, it worked perfectly. Overall, I think I’ve said amazing a million times in this review but yeah, an amazing show.

I love it. It reminded me of why I love TV so much and I’m so excited to see season two. Those were my thoughts, but of course, I would love to hear your thoughts. Did you love StrangerThings as much as I did? What were some of your favorite moments? Let me know in the comments. Don’t forget to subscribe because we’ll have more TV reviews. Thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll see you soon. Bye. Can I also give a shout out to them playing Dungeons and Dragons? Because I started playing about three years ago and I love it so much. I was watching and I’m like, Stranger Things season 1 Download“I totally understand what’s happening here,” and I love that they’re playing Dungeons and Dragons because it’s such an amazing game and it’s just so much fun. And I love that Dungeons and Dragons is the reason why they figured out what was going on in the first place. I feel like we should all be playing Dungeons and Dragons, just saying. 

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